Sneha Prasad
3 min readNov 15, 2021


Life: God’s Choicest Blessing

Humans are blessed to have great philosophers who compared life to countless magnificent things, from a flowing river and raging fire to a racing course or a game of chess. Though these all have no resemblance to each other, the beauty of life lies in resonating with all of them.

We look at life from the perspective of how we feel. Every creature takes birth to enter this world, struggles for its survival, reproduce, and finally meets with death. Through this cycle, one experiences joy, sorrow, beauty, warmth, and love and hence we call it a life cycle.

With every passing day, I feel there is something life is trying to teach me. In the morning, when I walk into the garden, I can observe the alluring beauty of nature. The yellow birds chirping on the mango tree, squirrels gathering grains using their tiny hands, flowers blooming happily, and the sun smiling on all, teach that life is about positivity and happiness.

When the pandemic hit the world, we stood by each other. We listened and cared about one another. From health workers to delivery-men, they cared for all and fulfilled their duty. We taught ourselves that life is about compassion and empathy.

Through time and again, our situation teaches us that life is about change and mystery. Tomorrow holds a surprise that intricates amusement in our day-to-day experience. While being aware of the unknown, a living creature has to be content with the present and build strength for the future.

Life is about the power and responsibility to ensure the well-being of every creature on this planet. Our Karma gets back at us, teaching us to be conscious of our deeds and decisions on every step. Karma prospects our path of life and determines the fate of our soul. Soul is the essence of life. It is divine and immortal, a part of God, through which we feel a connection with the universe. Our soul provides conscience and directs our life to attain peace. Soul provides depth and meaning to life. When a creature connects with its soul, it gets the power to unleash its potential and creativity to the pinnacle. Soul navigates our mind and the impact one has on others.

Thus, to me, life is a journey of exploration accompanied by the marvels of nature. Nature complements this journey by nurturing us with beautiful gifts and also provides challenges for us to learn and improve our quality of life. Throughout this journey, we experience different colours of life, only to make it more beautiful and endearing. I believe in discovering the joy of life by bringing positivity to others and being grateful for every sunrise I get to see. With all the uncertainties I live with hope for a better tomorrow and celebrate this blessing called life.

P.S. : Your claps and comments are always welcome ;)

